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Open Days

Term Dates and School Day


  Term Dates and School Day 

School Day

School opening hours

8:40 am (morning registration) to 3:35 pm.  Total time per week is 34 hrs, 35 mins

School Day 2023-24
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
08.40 - 08.50Registration 
08.50 - 09.50Period 1
09.50 - 10.50Period 2
10.50 - 11.15Break 1 / Period F 1
11.15 - 11:40Break 2 / Period F2
11.40 - 12:40Period 3
12.40 - 13.35Lunch and extra-curricular activities
13.35 - 14.35Period 4
14.35 - 15.35Period 5
15.35End of Afternoon School
15.45Buses Leave
Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:05 pm.

Term Dates


AUTUMN TERM 2023/2024
Term TimeStartEnd
Autumn Term

Wed 6th Sept 2023 (Years 7 and 12 return)

Thurs 7th Sept 2023 (all years return)

Fri 20th Oct 2023
INSETMon 4th & Tues 5th Sept 2023-
Half TermMon 23rd Oct 2023Fri 3rd Nov 2023
Autumn TermMon 6th Nov 2023Fri 15th Dec 2023
Christmas HolidayMon 18th Dec 2023Wed 3rd Jan 2024
INSETWed 3rd Jan 2024 
Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:05 pm. Buses leave at 12:15 pm
Spring term  2023/2024
Term TimeStartEnd
Spring TermThur 4th Jan 2024Fri 9th Feb 2024
INSETWed 3rd Jan 2024 
Half TermMon 12th Feb 2024Fri 16th Feb 2024
Spring TermMon 19th Feb 2024Thurs 28th Mar 2024
Easter HolidayFri 29th Mar 2024Fri 12th Apr 2024*
INSET* Mon 15th Apr 2024 
Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:05 pm.  Buses leave at 12:15 pm
SUMMER TERM 2023/2024
Term TimeStartEnd
Summer TermTues 16th Apr 2024Fri 24th May 2024
InsetMon 15th Apr 2024-
Half TermMon 27th May 2024Fri 31st May 2024
Summer TermMon 3rd Jun 2024Tues 23rd Jul 2024
INSETMon 1st July 2024 
Summer HolidayWed 24th July 2024-

Enrichment week is from Monday 24th - Friday 28th June 2024 and there are no timetabled lessons this week.  Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:00 pm. Buses leave at 12:15pm

Parents' Evenings 
21st September 2023Open Evening
12th October 2023Year 11 Parents’ Evening
9th November 2023Sixth Form Open Evening
16th November 2023Year 13 Parents’ Evening
22nd November 2023Year 8 Parents’ Evening
18th January 2024Year 9 Parents’ Evening
1st February 2024Year 12 Parents’ Evening
20th February 2024Year 7 Parents’ Evening
7th March 2024Year 10 Parents’ Evening


Please click here for a full year view

Autumn Term 2024/2025
Term TimeStartEnd
Autumn Term

Wed 4th Sept (Years 7 and 12 return)

Thurs 5th 2024 (all years return) 2024

Fri 18th Oct 2024
INSETMon 2nd & Tues 3rd Sept 2024-
Half TermMon 21st Oct  2024Fri 1st Nov 2024
Autumn TermMon 4th Nov 2024Fri 20th Dec 2024
Christmas HolidayMon 23rd Dec 2024Mon 6th Jan 2025
INSETMon 6th Jan 2025 
Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:05 pm. Buses leave at 12:15 pm
Spring Term  2024/2025
Term TimeStartEnd
Spring TermTues 7th Jan 2025Fri 14th Feb 2025
INSETMon 6th Jan 2025 
Half TermMon 17th Feb 2025Fri 21st Feb 2025
Spring TermMon 24th Feb 2025Fri 4th Apr 2025
Easter HolidayMon 7th Apr 2025Mon 21st Apr 2025
INSET* Tues 22nd Apr 2025 
Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:05 pm.  Buses leave at 12:15 pm
Summer Term 2024/2025
Term TimeStartEnd
Summer TermWed 23rd Apr 2025Fri 23rd May 2025
InsetTues 22nd Apr 2025-
Half TermMon 26th May 2025Fri 30th May 2025
Summer TermMon 2nd Jun 2025Fri 18th Jul 2025
INSETMon 30th Jun 2025 
Enrichment week is from Monday 23rd - Friday 27th June 2025 and there are no timetabled lessons this week.  Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:00 pm. Buses leave at 12:15pm


Please click here for a full year view

Autumn Term  2025/2026
Term TimeStartEnd
Autumn Term

Thurs 4th Sept 2025 (Years 7 and 12 return)

Fri 5th Sept 2025 (All years return)

Fri 17th Oct  2025
INSETTues 2nd & Wed 3rd Sept 2025-
Half TermMon 20th Oct 2025Fri 31st Oct 2025
Autumn TermMon 3rd Nov 2025Fri 19th Dec 2025
Christmas HolidayMon 22nd Dec 2025Tues 6th Jan 2026
INSETMon 5th Jan 2026 
Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:05 pm.  Buses leave at 12:15 pm
Spring Term  2025/2026
Term TimeStartEnd
Spring TermTues 6th Jan 2026Fri 13th Feb 2026
INSETMon 5th Jan 2026 
Half TermMon 16th Feb 2026Fri 20th Feb 2026
Spring TermMon 23rd Feb 2026Fri 27th Mar 2026
Easter HolidayMon 30th Mar 2026Fri 10th Apr 2026
INSET* Monday 13th Apr 2026 
Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:05 pm.  Buses leave at 12:15 pm
Summer Term 2025/2026
Term TimeStartEnd
Summer TermTues 14th Apr 2026Fri 22nd May 2026
InsetMon 13th Apr 2026 
Half TermMon 25th May 2026Fri 29th May 2026
Summer TermMon 1st Jun 2026Fri 17th Jul 2026
INSETMon 29th Jun 2026 
Please note that on the last day of term, school ends at 12:00 pm. Buses leave at 12:15pm


This is just a really quick email (as I'm sure you must have so many emails at the moment!) as I saw the lovely video the teachers put together to welcome the girls back to school on the Challoner's Instagram and it really brought me back to my years at Challoner’s. I just wanted to say that it must be a very tricky time at the moment but it looks like everyone is doing an amazing job. I'm currently in my final year at Cambridge, getting ready to go into the world of work (applying for roles in PR/Marketing at the moment) and have been reflecting a lot on how my time at Challoner’s has led me to where I am today. The video really struck a chord and reminded me how special the Challoner’s community is, and I'm sure it has with the current Challoner’s girls too.

Evie Vennix

Evie was a fabulous and very charismatic Head Girl


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