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Enrichment Offer


Enrichment Offer – Shape Your World

At it’s core, our enrichment programme has two main goals, Firstly, it will help to set you up for the new challenges you will face as you bridge the gap to your post-18 lives.  Secondly, we believe passionately in providing a wide, rich set of experiences that build lessons as to why it is important to contribute actively to society, whether that is the school community, your local community or much further afield.

Duke of Edinburgh - Gold Award
We feel that the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award fits into our two key goals for Our Enrichment Programme. The Gold Award consists of five different sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skill, Expedition and Residential – and these will build your independence, resilience and teamwork, vital for thriving in the post-18 world, alongside a deep appreciation for the value of your contribution to society.

In Year 12 we usually have between 40-60 students participating, which makes us one of the largest school deliverers of the Gold award.

CSLA - Community Sports Leader Award
Many Year 12 students take part in the Community Sports Leadership Award. This is a fantastic opportunity to develop exceptional leadership and communication skills; participants work with primary schools from the local community and the award culminates in CSLA students leading a community Sports Day at DCHS for local primary schools.

World Challenge Expedition
We are pleased to be able to offer all girls the opportunity to take part in an amazing expedition in the summer of Year 12. We have worked with World Challenge in recent years and have travelled to Cambodia and Borneo and have future expeditions planned to Eswatini and Vietnam. The expeditions allow the girls to make their own decisions and practice their leadership and communication skills. They further develop resilience, confidence and boldness to deliver a worthwhile community development project and immerse themselves in the cultural of a very different country. The expeditions truly are the trip of a life time and girls return with a better understanding of themselves and those around them as well as having had the opportunity to contribute actively to society

Clubs and Societies
There are a huge range of clubs and societies available. Many of these are degree specific including Engineering, Medics Society, Literacy Society, and Law Society. We have a highly successful debating club and a wide range of clubs for the lower school run by Sixth Form Prefects. Every year Sixth Formers are encouraged to set up clubs to reflect their wide-ranging interests and passions: these included a Feminist Society, Formula One Club, and a Puzzle Club.

We encourage students to develop their interest in sport and recreational exercise. There are many teams that students can join during their time in the Sixth Form to help them develop and achieve higher standards in their chosen sport, improve personal fitness and become part of a team whilst making lasting friendships. New teams are formed in response to student demand but typically include: Badminton, Netball, Swimming, Gym Squad, Athletics, Fitness Toning Workshop, Yoga and Senior Dance.

Young Enterprise 
Many Year 12 students take part in Young Enterprise: this is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about business and enterprise, work with students from other local schools and learn a wide-range of skills. Students are given capital to start their own business and they develop leadership, communication, management, marketing and financial skills. Our students have a strong record of success in the regional competitions.

NCS – National Citizen Service
NCS is a 2-4 week programme which takes place outside of term time in the spring, summer and autumn holidays. NCS is proven to have a massive impact on young people’s lives and many of our students sign up for the experience. Further information is available on the NCS website:

There are many opportunities to take part in Drama at Challoner’s High. These include the highly professional biennia musical, and Senior play. We alternate years and collaborate with Dr Challoner's Grammar School on their productions too.  In addition to performance opportunities, students are encouraged to participate backstage and in the tech crew. Spring 2024 saw students perform Legally Blonde to rave reviews!


Alongside all the instrumental lessons available, Sixth Formers have many opportunities to contribute to the musical life of the school in a number of orchestras, ensembles and choirs, including our most senior choir, Con Brio. Sixth Formers also have the opportunity to contribute to the development of ensembles, including musical direction and in conducting and arranging pieces.


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