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Annual Alumnae Day

Our Annual Alumnae Day took place on Saturday 23rd March 2024. We were delighted to welcome back over 100 past students from as far afield as the United States and Germany to be with us for the day. We had students from 1969 through to 2019 and it was a fabulous afternoon of meeting old friends and sharing stories, as well as a trip down memory lane touring the school. We hope that everyone who attended enjoyed the day, and we look forward to the next Alumnae Day in 2025.If you are an alumnae and have any questions please do get in touch with us via the Challoner’s High Network or you can email Emma or Laura at [email protected]

Year 14 Certificate Afternoon

In January we were delighted to recently welcome back our Class of 2023 for their Year 14 certificate evening and hear about their first sixth months since leaving school.

Alumna visits

Alumna, Fern Britton took a trip down memory lane and came back to school last year.  You can see all about her visit and some fascinating facts about the local area in the Channel 5 series ‘No place like home’ aired on 4th January. ​


Classes of 1970 and 1972

In September last year, we were excited to welcome back our Classes of 1970 and 1972.​

Both alumnae and current students had great fun exchanging stories and seeing how the school had changed! The school hall particularly brought back some entertaining memories of shows and assemblies, as well as the Headmistress, Mrs McAllister with her corgies!

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